Linebreak Records Linebreak Records - cryptocurrency record label
Linebreak Records

A former sound designer and involved in music production since 1992, om10 is the alter ego of Sun Harmonics label owner Ruairi McGuinness. “This om10 persona gives me creative walls to work within to produce dark, raw techno and acid aimed squarely at live performance.”

Having debuted with the Deviser EP in 2016 and performing several live shows, the following 18 months or so saw him working with a number of visuals artists on various projects. With highlights including a creative workshop and collaboration with Christine Egan- Fowler on her ‘Playing The Waiting Game’ exhibition in late 2016 and performing live in The Baltic.

2018 saw the release of the Dark Factories EP, and 2020 brings his new EP Range Anxiety on Kaneda Records and Linebreak.

Buy Om10 - Range Anxiety with Ether (ETH)